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Hi ! your game (lands of sorcery) is really cool ! Can I make a few let's play videos of it without commentary ? (knowing that I'm making a bit of ads revenues from that by posting on porn website)


Hi, yes of course. Thanks for the interest and have fun!

you got a Channel somewhere? I'd like to watch.

Sure ! Here is the link

Thank you very much !!

Please can someone help me .. i bought the game .... i always have windows 7 on the pc ..... game starts perfectly .... but after the choice of characters ..... game remains infinity on the loading page 

Hi, sorry for that, there seems to be a problem with video playing in Windows 7. I'll look into this and post an update ASAP. Note: there shouldn't be a problem in Windows 10.

Hi, please download latest version (1.7), should be fixed now. Let me know if you still have any problems. Thanks!

Hi, tried the new version, it works perfectly. Thank you for your immediate help and for this beautiful game !!

Awesome! Have fun :)